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About Homeovitality®

Safety of the Homeovitality healthcare system

The Homeovitality system is safer & better controlled than gene expression alterations effected by homeopathic remedies.

Safety of the Homeovitality healthcare system

Since introduction of the Homeovitality health care system, concerns have been expressed about its safety because it targets the genetic blueprint.

The Homeovitality system was developed to take advantage of new health care discoveries using established principles of high dilution technology. It uses highly diluted DNA molecules with precise nucleotide sequences to target genes, parts of the genetic blueprint that have been proven to promote and support health and resolve disease.

The use of highly diluted DNA is well established in homeopathic practice. It is included in provings and Materia Medicas such as those indicated above. However, as mentioned, the composition of homeopathic DNA is not standardised. Homeopathic DNA targets genes that reduce the symptoms of disease. It also affects expression of many genes that cause disease. That is so because it induces many symptoms of disease in healthy subjects.

The Homeovitality system has been developed to avoid the prospect of inducing disease symptoms in recipients because it uses DNA molecules with standardised sequences that target only genes that have been proven to support health and resolve disease.

Practitioners and others have also questioned the safety of the Homeovitality system because it has the potential to alter gene expression. Many do not realise though that, as indicated above, homeopathic remedies are already doing that in a much less controlled way.

There is nothing new about the idea that environmental factors affect gene expression. We willingly and unwittingly expose ourselves on a daily basis to agents that disturb optimum gene expression. For example, there are many food components that can interact with the genetic blueprint and affect the expression of many genes. The significance of these food/gene interactions is reflected by the development of a whole new field of scientific investigation called nutrigenomics.

Some food influenced alterations in gene expression can be beneficial. For example, lunasin, a substance found in soy can increase the expression of genes that monitor damage to DNA and suppress the growth of cancer cells.

On the other hand, some nutritional factors including some phytonutrients can dysregulate the expression of a set of genes that produce kinases, a family of proteins that are involved in metabolism. Alterations in kinase gene expression are associated susceptibility to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and atherosclerosis.

DNA methylation, a natural chemical modification of DNA, also plays a major role in co-ordinating gene expression particularly during development. Efficiency of DNA methylation, and thus optimum development depends very much on having a sufficient dietary intake of the essential amino acid methionine. That is why a vegetarian diet may affect optimum development in the early stages of life. There are many other factors that we are exposed to every day such as stress, exposure to temperature variation, sleep, physical activity and thought processes that affect gene expression.

Some have expressed concerns about ingestion of DNA. There is no need for concern whatsoever because, as well as homeopathic DNA, many homeopathic remedies such as nosodes as well as sarcodes and plant derived remedies may contain foreign DNA, mutated DNA and DNA from infectious agents.

So, to put practitioners' and clients' minds at ease, gene expression supported by the Homeovitality system is safer and better controlled than gene expression alterations effected by homeopathic remedies and dietary components.


Introduction to Homeovitality

It has been found that the entire human genetic blueprint comprises just over three billion nucleotides, the building blocks of DNA, that are now thought to include about 25-30,000 genes.

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Homeovitality, how?

Homeovitality has been developed as a safe and natural way to help everyone to achieve nature's "super-health" and stay healthy. It is based entirely on the proven principles of Dr. Bernard Marichal's gene targeting technology.

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Why Homeovitality?

About two decades ago, scientists began the Human Genome Project with a view to determining the entire sequence of human DNA, our genetic blueprint. The turn of the century marked its completion and the beginning of an exciting new era in human health.

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Hybrid Vigour

Hybrid vigour is the highest possible level of health and disease resistance that can be achieved naturally. It is nature's very own form of "super-health", developed naturally over millions of years.

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Information for therapists

In recent times, important scientific discoveries have been made that confirm that the parts of the genetic blueprint that Homeovitality products target also have important uses in a homeopathic setting.

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Safety of the Homeovitality system

The Homeovitality system is safer and better controlled than gene expression alterations effected by homeopathic remedies and dietary components.

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Inventor of Homeovitality

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